Presented with the support of and the kind permission of Dave Compton, Broken Pencil Productions & Two Million Minutes.
At our next session of the Sydney Film Study Group, we will present another documentary from the makers of 2 Million Minutes, entitled The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World’s Most Surprising School System.
Date: Wednesday, 18 July 2012
When: 6.30pm (doors open). Session: 7.00pm—9.00pm
Where: 19 Whiting Street, Artarmon, Sydney
RSVP is required to David Prichard by email or SMS 0411 527 612.
The evening will follow the Film Study Group format, with a moderated discussion after the documentary screening.
About the Documentary
Finland’s education system has consistently ranked among the best in the world for more than a decade. The puzzle is, why Finland?
Documentary filmmaker, Bob Compton, along with Harvard researcher, Dr. Tony Wagner, decided to find out.
The result of their research is captured in a new film, “The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World’s Most Surprising School System”.
In the 60-minute film, Dr. Wagner guides the viewer through an inside look at the world’s finest secondary education system.
A life-long educator and author of the best-selling book “The Global Achievement Gap,” Dr. Wagner is uniquely qualified to explore and explain Finland’s success.
From within classrooms and through interviews with students, teachers, parents, administrators and government officials, Dr. Wagner reveals the surprising factors accounting for Finland’s rank as the #1 education system in the world.

Events are open to members and their guests, including guests that the President may sign in at the door. Guests are welcome! The membership fee is $5 to cover the remainder of 2012. Members are not required to attend any minimum number of events. Members and their guests may bring their own food and (strictly non-alcoholic) beverages. Non-members are welcome to attend as a guest of a member for one session only. Members will take responsibility for their guests and all participants must treat the venue and other members with courtesy.