About The Sydney Film Study Group

The Sydney Film Study Group is a non-profit, volunteer-run society to promote ideas related to freedom, free enterprise, free societies, individual liberty, and philosophy.  The group was formed in Sydney, Australia and held its inaugural event on 30 November 2011.

The template for this society was provided by Prodos Marinakis, who founded the Prodos Film Study Group in Melbourne. Prodos’s group is dedicated to presenting and discussing films (documentaries and videotaped talks) that explore free market principles, individual rights, the history of ideas, and the life and work of creative heroes.

The format entails the screening of a recorded interview/ roundtable discussion, fiction film, or documentary (“film”), generally of one to two hours duration, followed by a moderated discussion, with uninterrupted and specified airtime for all participants.

  • Events are open to members and their guests, including guests that the President may sign in at the door.
  • The membership fee for calendar 2012 is a nominal $10 to cover the entire calendar year.
  • Members are not required to attend any minimum number of events.
  • Members and their guests may bring their own (strictly non-alcoholic) drinks and noise-free eats.
  • Non-members are welcome to attend as a guest of a member for the first of such attendances.
  • Members will take responsibility for their guests and all participants must treat the venue and other members with courtesy.

President: David Prichard

Vice President & Secretary: Vinay Kolhatkar

Treasurer: Jason Lockwood

Contact David Prichard: Sydney “at” FilmStudyGroup.org.au